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Gamut - Issue 5 (1979)

With the recent confirmation of a previously only speculated 1978 issue (what I'm calling the "Lost Issue of Gamut"), this 1979 issue with the Bernie Wrightson cover, until now called issue #4, is actually the fifth and final issue of Gamut.

Cover of issue number five of "Gamut" from 1979, drawn by artist Bernie Wrightson - his second and final cover of "Gamut." Image courtesy Jeff Wilson


One of the metal plates used in the printing of Bernie Wrightson's cover of "Gamut" issue five, recovered by Sheridan alumnus Michael McDonnell (image from a post on a Facebook group). McDonnell said, "Bernie supplied the cover for the last issue of Gamut, published in 1978 [Editor's note: Issue 4 is considered the 1979 issue] at Sheridan College in Oakville. Gamut was primarily the artwork of students in the Cartooning program there, but the course co-ordinator, Walter Hanson, managed to get a few professionals to contribute covers. I loved Bernie's cover, and managed to save this metal plate used in the printing process from the garbage."


Back cover of issue number five of "Gamut" from 1979, featuring a strip by Jim Stephenson. Image courtesy Jeff Wilson


Interior page from issue number five of "Gamut" from 1979, featuring a pinup by Jeff Wilson. Image courtesy Jeff Wilson - read the interview with Jeff on GamutMagazine.org