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A look back at the Sheridan College Cartooning Program in the 1970s

A Sheridan College Media Studies - Cartooning & Graphic Story Arts 1977-79 class caricature, accentuated with Spike Jones' soundtrack "You Always Hurt The One You Love," illustrated by Paul McCormack with final art and animation by Jeff Wilson, both Sheridan alumni and "Gamut" contributors.


Immense thanks goes out to cartoonist and animator Jeff Wilson, Sheridan alumnus and Gamut contributor, who shared this absolute treasure trove of images of his classmates and fellow artists from his time in the Sheridan College Cartooning Program from September 1977 to May 1979. Jeff also provided a number of outstanding captions/memories of the photos as well.

Important note: If you were part of Sheridan College in the mid-late 1970s ā€“ specifically faculty or students in the Cartooning Program, or anyone involved in the creation of Gamut ā€“ please reach out to me. Iā€™d love to hear and share your stories, art and photos. You can reach me at jesse@gamutmagazine.org.

Yearbook photos from Sheridan College - 1977-1979

Photos of members of the 1977/1978 Cartooning Program from Sheridan College's "Reflections" yearbook - this is not the entire class: according to Jeff, these were the students who showed up to have their photos taken.

Sheridan College Cartooning Program students Marc Griffiths, Ron Hobbs, Gary Long, Steve Robinson, Peter Tiernay - 1977/1978


Photos of members of the 1978/1979 Cartooning Program from Sheridan College's "Reflections" yearbook - a few more students showed up this time for the photo shoot.

Sheridan College Cartooning Program students (in order starting at the top left): Mark Corrigan, Paul Curtis, Anthony Judd, Gary Long, Paul McCormack, Keith Milne, Gary Pearson, Rick Waugh, Robert Wetherelt, Jeff Wilson - 1978/1979


Candid photos of members of the Sheridan College Cartooning Program - 1977-1979

These candids are a trip back in time featuring students in the Cartooning Program at Sheridan in the late 1970s, many of whom were also contributors to Gamut. I've shared Jeff's own captions and memories for each below the photos.

Note from Jeff Wilson: "Some of these are raw, but hey! Such was the time. People who didn't attend were warned, they were fodder for these wall etchings. These were actually won by a lottery and stored safely by their respective owners....probably in landfill." Rob Wetherelt pointing to a rather uncomplimentary sketch of Walter Hanson (editor of "Gamut").


Gary Pearson standing in front of a Cheryl Ladd poster (L), while Lloyd Walmsley in Team X jersey looks on (R).


"Uncle Mike" McDonnell (L) and "Uncle Dennis" Blake (R) in rap session. "Uncle Tim" Cerantola (centre) has his back to us.


Neil Organ is in 1st to left, Neil's lady at the time, Lynn Nickle 2nd to left. Jeff Wilson faces camera 3rd from left, Peter Grau sitting in front of Cheryl Ladd poster 4th from left/right, Keith Milne with back to camera, 3rd from right, Mark McLelland 2nd from right and Dennis Blake 1st from right.


Bill Slavin, now a very successful illustrator specializing in children's books.


Paul McCormack on far left, "Uncle Mark" McLelland facing camera at centre and "Grandpa Jim" Stephenson 1st from right. Person facing away from camera at bottom centre is unknown.


When classmate Paul McCormack got married in the 1980s, it marked a reunion of the 1979 graduating class. Here, we are trying our best to look like Sears Catalog models.


Paul McCormack shown here ready for a long a day in "the pit". This is the only photo I am aware of that was taken in our class area. The metal drawers were intended for storing artwork. The blackboard was due right from these drawers. The door behind Paul was the main entrance/exit and the famed "crows nest" was just above. Believe it or not, the green cages to Paul's left were storage areas. The wall just opposite had enclosed classrooms and divided from the Cartooning area by an open passageway.


Mighty Marvel! One of the great Cartooning traditions started in 1977 was the "Mighty Marvel" group pose. We would do one normal photo, then everyone would channel their favorite superhero pose for the "Mighty Marvel."


Cartooning Team X (1978-79), the perennial cellar-dwellers of the Sheridan Oakville Intramural Hockey League, until we had help from Oakville high school rosters and achieved respectability by season's end.
Front Row (L-R): Bill Slavin, Tim Cerantola, Jeff Wilson, Gary Pearson, Ernie (?)
Middle Row: Paul McCormack
Back Row (L-R): Gary Long, Keith Milne (Team originator and captain), Peter Grau, Geoff (?), Mark Challinor.